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The workshops are a way to combine theory and practice on the path of spiritual development. Every month, the spiritual energies will choose a topic, which can be followed via the web, in live mode or via a recording. Each workshop is a creation of spiritual energies and does not coincide with human perception due to the reason of “two different galaxies”, the mathematics of the cosmos and the mathematics of people.


At all workshops, you will hear information that you have never read, heard or seen anywhere. Every saying of spiritual energies is accompanied by powerful healing effects on each aura, regardless of whether it is a live broadcast or a recording. Why is that so? That’s because every truth as well as every message or saying of spiritual energies heals, regenerates, encourages and transforms everything that is not good for the living world.


It is very difficult to convey someone else’s experience from these workshops. Everyone should personally experience, feel, see that. Feel free to give yourself the opportunity to attend at least a few workshops, and only then form your views and opinions.


Only when you “taste” this “dish from the buffet of spirituality” will you have a personal experience and perhaps a completely different perception than something imagined. Every month there will be a different topic, different energies, different knowledge and a completely different perception. What do you get with these workshops? First of all, much less wandering on the spiritual path, awareness of one’s own faults and virtues, greater spiritual breadth and steps closer to your true potential. Is it not enough?


No matter what decision you make, you will always be right. Only your own decision carries with it the assumption of responsibility and a much clearer picture of right or wrong choices.
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