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If someone were to ask the question to hundreds of different people, whether they practice meditative techniques or not: “What is meditation?” would probably get hundreds of different answers.
And the definition of meditation according to the perception of the cosmos is as follows:
“Meditation is a way to connect with the sources of truth that will help you on your way to self-knowledge, awareness, harmony, health, balance, interpersonal relationships and guidance for all life situations.
Meditation is the innate spiritual tool of every person on the planet. Upon entering the world of adults, due to human ignorance, everything that was innate is forgotten, and only through spiritual development, a person can be reminded of “all his innate spiritual tools…”
On these pages you will have the opportunity to get various meditative techniques for all ages, all spiritual levels without any harmful consequences. That’s just because all the meditative techniques shown here are creations of spiritual energies.
The Treasury of Sacred Knowledge thanks you for your interest.
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