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Happiness is waiting…

Happiness is waiting, around every corner,
Only then if patience adorns,
The one who is waiting, somewhere for happiness,
And most often where a river flows.

WHappiness is waiting, around every corner,
Where that corner makes joy and smile,
Where happiness runs from corner to corner,
To the one who eradicates, their deviations.

Happiness is, not the privilege of the chosen,
Happiness is also, a blessing to many unknown people,
If you believe, that happiness deserves you,
This is what the cosmos gives, only to the patient.

Happiness is, not what you only see with your eyes,
Happiness is, also what you do not touch,
Happiness is, what caresses all Yours,
From soul, body, psyche that tailor happiness.

Do good from birth to grave,
Do all that is called welfare,
Because that’s how you give, with your example,
With your deeds, and happiness to last.

Happiness is waiting, around every corner,
To save you from the onslaught of ridicule,
To show you, all the feelings of happiness,
From peace, love and something else.

Happiness is waiting, around every corner,
To remember these words without Google,
To follow, what the cosmos tells you,
And happiness, at the big door delivers…

For all those who want a happy life…
Spiritual energies

May 27, 2024

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2 comment(s)
  • melva
    06/04/2024 at 12:34 pm

    The Energy felt here is so wonderful and promising.Thank you .:):):)

  • miodragaleksic290
    05/29/2024 at 8:55 am

    Energy effect of these lyrics are calming and relaxing.

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