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Cookie Policy

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (string of letters and numbers) that a web server sends to a web browser and the browser stores them on your mobile device or computer for your identification (usually based on anonymous identifiers). The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests the server to view a page to identify your visit to a particular page, the list of ads you have responded to, the type of browser you are using, and to remember information you have entered or on our website.

We use cookies to personalize the content and ads shown to you to enable functionality and traffic analysis. We provide information about your use of our website to our social media, advertising, and analytics partners, who may link this information with other information you have provided or received as a result of your use of their services.


We use cookies so that we can adapt to your needs, distinguish you from other users, prevent the display of ads in your browser that you are not interested in, etc.

We use either "persistent" or "temporary" cookies: persistent cookies will be stored in your Internet browser until their specified expiration date, unless you delete them before that date; On the other hand, temporary cookies expire the moment you close your Internet browser.


Cookies usually do not contain information based on which it would be possible to identify you, but the data we store may be linked to data obtained and stored from cookies.


Technical cookies: in order for our online store to function properly, we use technical cookies. Without them, our online store would not function at all.


Functional cookies: so that you do not have to constantly log in and you do not have to constantly adjust your preferences (eg setting the language in which our online store will be displayed), functional cookies help you. In this case, the password is always encrypted. The use of these cookies is not necessary, but will significantly make your visit to our online store more pleasant and easier.


Analytical Cookies: Analytical cookies help us improve our online store, which in turn benefits you. Analytical cookies on our website are collected by a script from Google Inc. which then anonymizes this data. After anonymization, it is no longer personal data, because anonymized cookies cannot be assigned to a specific user, or to a certain person. We work with cookies only in anonymous form. Therefore, we cannot find out from cookies how a certain user behaved on our website (which pages they visited, what they viewed, etc.).


We also use the knowledge from these cookies for advertising purposes, where we can also display advertising on foreign websites based on this data, which we consider relevant to you.


Please note that blocking and/or deleting cookies may negatively affect your ability to use the website and/or services.


Rules on security and data privacy of other internet sites


There is a possibility that our website contains external links that point to other websites. The provisions of this act on the security and privacy of personal data apply only to our site, so we do not assume responsibility for the data privacy rules of other websites.


Final Provisions


We reserve all rights to change this privacy policy, and they will be effective immediately upon posting on www.treasurysknowledge.com.