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Alphabet 14 – “The Truth about Jesus Christ”

There are many theories, speculations, assumptions, and claims about Jesus Christ, none of which have been factually confirmed or documented, because there are no valid records or evidence. So how can we know the truth about Jesus Christ? (0:01–0:21)
Very simple. Through Spiritual Development, we can reach a low frequency of brain waves, create pure contact with spiritual energies, and obtain all the original knowledge and truth that is written in every part of the cosmos. Everything else can only be speculations and assumptions. (0:22–0:42)
We convey to you a part of the sayings from spiritual energies with the topic “The Truth about Jesus Christ,” received by Ljubisha Stojanovic in 1996, who transferred the sayings into the book Enlightenment: The Truth about Jesus Christ. (0:44–1:01)
Never in human history, in such a small area, have there been so many negative thoughts as in the territory of Palestine, the culmination of which occurred in the last few centuries before Christ. (1:08–1:18)
These negative thoughts, such as fear for life, hatred, grief, and dissatisfaction, were the result of the suffering, despair, and hopelessness of the Jewish people and others enslaved by the Roman Empire, as well as the numerous wars fought in that territory. (1:19–1:33)
The consequence of this enormous development of negative thoughts was severe damage to the lower layer of the Earth’s aura, which threatened to result in cataclysms in the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, harmful radiation, and toxic gases on large parts of the planet, which would destroy almost all plant and animal life and humanity, thus calling the survival of the planet itself into question. (1:34–2:08)
In order to eliminate this danger, two activities were necessary: one, with the powerful energy of spiritual beings, to repair the Earth’s aura and bring it back to a normal state without damaging the living world; two, to find methods that would lead to a change in people’s way of thinking toward reducing negative thoughts and creating as many positive thoughts as possible. (2:09–2:42)
The basic problem for realizing the second task was the existence of free human will, which had to be respected. Therefore, changing the way of thinking in a positive direction required action with a larger number of people to create a positive energy that would gradually expand like circles in water when a stone falls into it. (2:43–3:05)
To accomplish both of these tasks, the only comprehensive solution was to create a human form that would have direct contact with the energy of the Christ Tree. (3:08–3:18)
This would allow direct contact with people without them being afraid of this being. Direct contact with the energy of the Christ Tree allowed this being immense intellectual possibilities and knowledge, as well as the ability to perform extremely high paranormal phenomena. (3:19–3:35)
This decision was made by the energy of the Christ Tree with the full support of the unique field and the Creator himself. (3:36–3:46)
The real truth about the historical Jesus Christ is as follows: for the child to possess exceptional superhuman qualities and to maintain constant contact with the energy of the Christ Tree, it was necessary to begin in the mother’s womb, without the father’s contribution. (3:48–4:06)
The young woman Maria from Nazareth was chosen, who became pregnant in this way before she was able to conceive with her husband. (4:07–4:14)
The child developed like all other children until he was four years old, without his parents knowing that he had anything supernatural. Then, young Jesus began to develop paranormal powers, which he carefully concealed, realizing that other children did not have them. (4:15–4:42)
At the age of 16, Jesus left home without telling anyone. He was guided by the energy of the Christ Tree, which directed him to visit the most spiritual people of that time in India, Tibet, and Alexandria. (4:43–4:57)
In his 27th year, he was told in detail what he needed to do to win over the masses for the positive religion he was to preach. At the same time, he was to make abundant use of paranormal powers to attract the attention, love, and admiration of the then primitive world. (4:58–5:12)
In four years of this pioneering work, Jesus managed to visit, from end to end, the entire region densely populated by Jewish and other people, mostly under the Roman Empire. Regardless of nationality, his sermons found the most fertile ground among the peoples who were enslaved, oppressed, hungry, and without hope. (5:30–5:46)
His religion was a combination of several of the most famous religions of that time. Jesus based his religion on two basic principles: the existence of only one God, and a set of commandments (the most important of which were the Ten Commandments). (5:50–6:11)
The observance of these commandments removed a large number of the most common negative thoughts that existed among people of that time and thus led to a drastic reduction in damage to the Earth’s aura, while simultaneously providing health, inner harmony, and tolerant relationships with the environment. (6:12–6:25)
Christ spoke about the Creator, with whose being punishment, threat, or any negative action is incompatible. He was the first God in human history who did not punish and did not take revenge. (6:26–6:52)
Insisting on the existence of only one God allowed this whole philosophy to function well, without the danger of opposing different gods and favoring believers of one or the other, which was one of the main negatives of the polytheistic system. (6:53–7:07)
However, initially, due to the insufficient spiritual level of those who transcribed Christ’s speeches, and later with the conscious intention of the hierarchy of the Christian Church, the rewriting and altering of what Christ said began. (7:05–7:21)
Gradually, a God who threatens and punishes was created, as well as the devil as a threat to anyone who does not obey God’s commandments. Over time, many significant and less significant corrections were made during the first thousand years, either intentionally or unintentionally, resulting in a significant deviation of the Bible from what Christ really said. (7:21–7:46)
The lack of literacy, permanent writing materials, underdeveloped transportation between regions and countries, and the generally low level of civilization at that time resulted in the fact that there are practically no true historical records about the life and existence of Christ. (7:56–8:22)
Today, science uses only some fragments that we can partially rely on, or as proof of some current action or event related to the existence of Christ. From that handful of historical data, it is impossible to create a true picture not only of His origin and life, but it cannot even be claimed that He existed at all. (8:23–8:27)
The twelve apostles, who were His main helpers, are also historical facts. Six of them were His own brothers, whom He recruited first, because at the beginning, He could only rely on them. (8:31–8:40)
He did not write down His speeches Himself, but it was usually done by two or three apostles who were insufficiently literate, and whose notes were gradually lost, either because the material was not permanent or because the apostles kept in their heads everything that Christ said, so they paid less attention to written documents. (8:46–9:03)
At a certain point in the development of His philosophy or religion, a moment was reached after which the existence of a living leader would lead to a serious reaction, not only of the Jewish people but also of the Roman occupiers, which would result in retaliation, war, and the extermination of the greatest number of Christ’s followers, leading to a complete shutdown of the movement. (9:05–9:27)
Therefore, the energy of Christ’s Tree made the decision that, instead of a living leader, it was necessary to create a legend that could not be physically destroyed and whose impact would be incomparably more efficient than the action of a living man. (9:30–9:43)
Jesus received information about all this, as well as the necessity that His life must end immediately. Before that, His task was to allow the flow of the enormously powerful spiritual energy of the Christ Tree through His body, which would perform the epic act of lowering the frequency of the Earth’s aura without changing the aura frequencies of living beings on Earth, with the aim of cleansing the Earth’s aura from damage and then returning it to its normal frequency. (9:45–10:19)
When that act was completed, the reason for the existence of the creation of Christ’s energy in human form ceased. This happened in the last moments of Christ’s life at the crucifixion, after which He died. Seeing that bringing the Earth’s aura to a normal state was done, He said, “It is finished,” referring to that act, not to His life. (10:21–10:41)
In order to mystify the legend about Christ as much as possible and confirm His claim that He was the Son of God, which He said everywhere, the day after He was taken down from the cross, His body disintegrated, dematerialized, and disappeared. (10:44–10:58)
After His death, Christ appeared to His closest disciples, the apostles, twice more, but they only saw His figure, which they could not touch. (11:01–11:09)
In 2005, the luminous body of Nikola Tesla conveyed an addition to Ljubisha Stojanovic regarding Jesus Christ: “Today we will search for some knowledge that has not been finished and that needs to be completed.” (11:13–11:19)
Firstly, it is about the knowledge of Christ’s crucifixion, which you received as information that, with His last strength, Christ let the energy of the Christ Tree pass through, which purified the Earth’s aura. At the end of this work, Christ declared, “It is finished,” referring to the purified aura of the Earth, not to His life. (11:22–11:49)
After that, He died. It is true that His heart was broken with grief because the people for whom He had fought had mostly turned against Him. (11:51–12:00)
The second point, which is also related to Christ, refers to His journey of 15 years, during which He met all the sages of that time, starting from Alexandria and ending in India and Tibet. (12:03–12:15)
Third, Christ’s body dematerialized in the cave where it was buried. (12:18–12:20)
The fourth point refers to some thoughts related to the miracles that Christ performed. Those listed in the Holy Scriptures are correct and really happened, but there were others that are not recorded in the Scriptures. (12:23–12:35)
For example, in one village where there were several sick people, Christ asked the relatives, who begged for His help, to carry the sick next to Him while He was sitting in the sun in the yard of a house. All the patients recovered before they even reached their homes. This was the most spectacular case of healing that Christ did, but the apostles simply forgot to describe it. (12:37–12:54)
The last point related to this area concerns Christ’s relationships with His mother, which were extremely good, while His relationship with His father was more reserved, following the customs of the Jewish society of that time. (12:57–13:18)
It is true that His brothers and mother joined the other Jewish people who attacked Him during His first reformation in the synagogue, and this was the same synagogue you visited. However, it is not true that they wanted to kill Him—they just rushed Him out of the synagogue. (13:19–13:39)
Later, after talking with His mother and brothers, Christ managed to explain to them the essence of His religion, and they wholeheartedly advocated for its spread. In fact, six of His brothers became His first apostles. (13:42–13:53)
There are, however, things related to Christ that you have not been introduced to until now, which are also extremely important and represent the pillars of the future civilization of mankind. (13:56–14:01)
During His time on Earth, Christ visited a large number of the most famous sages and enlightened people of that time to learn from them as much as possible—not only about paranormal phenomena but also about how to observe humanity and how it could be helped. (14:06–14:23)
The result of this research was the realization that human possibilities are vast but are blocked by various causes, primarily the ease of creating negative thoughts and the irrational tendency to run into numerous stresses, which, as you know, cause crisis points—starting from individuals, to groups of people, to entire nations, and even all of humanity. (14:27–14:48)
For this reason, Christ considered it necessary to provide some energy actions for the future of humanity, which would significantly reduce this negative approach in people, or at least prevent certain harmful phenomena from occurring. (14:51–15:03)
Christ envisioned setting up a large number of energy centers on Earth that would continuously emit energy, which, through their action, would reduce the possibility of creating negative thoughts. (15:06–15:12)
He started creating these centers. The first one was established in India while He was staying there, the second one in Alexandria, and He intended to set up the third one in Israel, then in Rome, and in some other centers of the then-developed world. (15:15–15:30)
However, He did not physically manage to complete this work, because events in Jerusalem began to unfold faster than He had anticipated, so He left this work unfinished. (15:31–15:42)
The two energy centers in India and Alexandria float approximately 500 meters above the Earth’s surface and continuously emit energy, which, by entering people’s auras, slightly changes their way of thinking, directing it toward the positive. (15:45–15:55)
However, as the plan remained unfinished, since it predicted several more of these centers for the most developed parts of the world, Christ’s energy decided that these two centers would emit positive energy throughout the world, not just for their narrow regions. (15:56–16:05)
Of course, this led to a weakening of the effects, by about 100 times, because the energy was spread to approximately 100 times more people than initially planned. (16:06–16:11)
With the increase in the number of people on Earth, these centers have also lost much of their influence because now the number of people they affect has increased by several thousand times compared to what was originally imagined. (16:12–16:24)
During 2010, the energy cloud gave Ljubisha Stojanovic more information about Jesus Christ, which also surprised him. Namely, Christ was born on September 3rd, 27 BC. He died on August 8th, 33 AD, and on August 11th, He was resurrected. (16:26–17:07)
He spent 21 years in the desert in Israel and lived in India for 8 years, where He was considered the best connoisseur and interpreter of Buddhism. (17:10–17:19)
Then, another addition came from a highly spiritually developed person, related to Jesus Christ. The person who condemned Jesus and sent Him to crucifixion was Pontius Pilate, an example of the greatest human deviations a person can have. (17:22–17:28)
It is true that the luminous body left Pontius Pilate out of shame, putting him in a situation where he had no possibility of any incarnation. All his genetic descendants took on such karmic debts that after 100 years AD, there were no more descendants left. (17:31–17:55)
On the day when Jesus was crucified, the whole cosmos “wept,” symbolically speaking, and many spiritual energies left and refused to help people. (18:00–18:04)
Pontius Pilate died exactly one year after the death of Jesus, in the greatest torments, which were connected to Jesus’ suffering. His death came at the hands of his closest associates, who felt that such a man should not remain alive. After weeks of various tortures, they cut his throat. (18:07–18:26)
When Ljubisha Stojanovic received in meditation that Jesus’ heart burst with grief, it was truly a moment where He, as a creation of spiritual energies, could not contain that pain because He realized that unless humanity changed its way of thinking, only a handful of records of this violent human species would remain. (18:28–18:50)
Since the day of Jesus’ martyrdom, many spiritual energies have kept their distance from the human race. One of them, which you have already contacted, is the civilization of the Untouchables. (18:53–19:03)
Other spiritual energies are called “people lovers,” a name that has remained since the time before Christ’s suffering. These are the energies that help in all areas of life. (19:04–19:10)
The suffering of Jesus is a precedent in the history of the cosmos and is considered the greatest deviation of living beings from the will of the Creator. This is why all the religions of the world carry extremely large karmic liabilities due to the alteration of sacred knowledge and the truth about Jesus Christ. (19:12–19:36)
In other difficult moments for the human race, the Creator left the possibility for luminous bodies, with their memory of all human deviations, to pass on to future generations a reminder of how not to live and act. (19:37–19:50)
The Treasury of Sacred Knowledge thanks you for your interest and sends you a lot of spiritual patience and love. (19:51–20:02)

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4 comment(s)
  • White owl
    09/09/2024 at 3:10 pm

    A few days ago it was Jesus' birthday and then I remembered this telling... The telling lowered my frequency a lot... 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • Martin Mitevski
    05/10/2024 at 6:49 pm

    I remember the day I read the Truth about Jesus Christ. Since that day my life has totally changed 😇

  • Čila Mesaroš
    02/13/2024 at 10:09 am

    Thanks to our Teacher Ljubiša Stojanović for the truth conveyed.

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