Dear visitor,
Welcome to the Treasury of Sacred Knowledge channel and page. We are a small but selected team of enthusiasts who want to convey “that something,” otherwise called the Truth or the Sacred Knowledge, to all those interested. Today, “truth” has become a scarce and precious currency and knowledge that serves the well-being of all living beings and the planet. That is precisely why we convey with enthusiasm and dedication everything that will help people to be better, humane, tolerant, happier, and more fulfilled.
Sacred knowledge is knowledge from the cosmos, that can be gained in deep meditation after years or decades of practice. We will talk more about this on one of the following pages. If you follow this channel and the, Treasury of Sacred Knowledge page, prepare for an unforgettable adventure called “Journey on the Wings of Sacred Knowledge and Truth.”
We cannot guarantee anything and promise, that everything in your life will change for the better, as if by the touch of a “magic wand,” because all changes will depend solely on you. We stand behind these words, for which it would be desirable for you to “carve” them into your heart, which functions exclusively according to the “mathematics of the cosmos.”
And the following wisdom from the universe reads: “If you believe in God, what are you afraid of? If you don’t believe, what are you hoping for…” ,
“Be all that you are. Be all that you are according to the divine plan. Be what all your descendants will be proud of. Just be original, authentic, and just only you.” ,
The Treasury of Sacred Knowledge thanks you for your interest.

Sources of knowledge
Sacred Knowledge
“The greatness of a man is reflected in the greatness of his works that he created during his physical life. And in order for him and his works to be eternally recorded in the “cosmic archives and libraries”, it is necessary for him to use the Sacred Knowledge”. This would be a message from spiritual energies from the cosmos.
The shortest definition of Sacred Knowledge is:
All the keys to all life’s problems… Everything that brings truth and breaks illusion… Everything that can make you a better, more humane and tolerant person. Everything that brings people together for the benefit of the human race. All that creates creations for the benefit of all.
And much, much more that you will find out in many subsequent topics.

Keep up to date
The fastest way to keep up with current events is to visit this “Recent” page.
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Rushing to you Sacred Knowledge
Introduction to basic foreknowledge

Dates to remember
Every event in the Treasury of Sacred Knowledge is recorded chronologically on the “Calendar” page. When searching, you can enter the date or initials of the content you are looking for.
“The calendar is a place where you can easily find everything
It may sound crazy, but it’s definitely not stupid
And the world of the cosmos does not know the words of nonsense
But that’s why it knows about “works created with ease”.

Source of truth
Alphabet of spirituality
Dear visitor,
The original alphabet of spirituality is the basis and foundation of the correct spiritual path. It can only be obtained from the superintelligent energies of the cosmos in deep meditation. It is an illusion that you can get it from human ignorance and sources, such as the falsehood that the so-called “Sacred Books” contain the original truth.
Sacred Knowledge and the original alphabet of spirituality have been altered throughout history to manipulate and control people. Today, we have contradictory information about various spiritual paths and teachings. For example, the different dates of the birth of Jesus Christ, the creation of man, and his missions.
If a person omits or misinterprets certain letters in the human alphabet, we will get words and sentences that will not make sense in their meaning. It is the same in the Alphabet of Spirituality, where the absence or corrected “letter of the alphabet of spirituality” multiplies and, with its meaning, takes the person further and further away from the actual or divine source.
On these pages, you will receive the Original Alphabet of Spirituality, which was transmitted to specific highly spiritually developed persons in deep meditation, with which you will much more easily follow all the materials that will be published. Without general knowledge and information from the Original Alphabet of Spirituality, wandering on the spiritual path will be prolonged.