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2024 BLOG

Prayer out of interest

Did you know, that many people pray out of interest,
To make this or that come true for them quickly,
That their prayers, somehow jump the line,
That with prayer, they come to interest faster.

Did you know, that many people pray out of interest,
Because they are born, in the material world,
A world where illusion and interest always reign,
Where prayer out, of interest is the only hope.

Did you know, that many people pray out of interest,
As some say it is part of the heresy,
The same wrong teaching that brings,
Everything that the so-called, “true faith” takes away to Christianity.

The perception of the cosmos says beautifully, to living beings,
That prayer is a part of the soul, and heart that is heard,
As far as can be imagined,
So far that it will never, be revealed.

Did you know, that many people pray out of interest,
The same ones for whom, it is convenient that there is interest,
The same ones who have only, stolen the truth since ancient times,
That is why many did not even know, about praying from the heart and soul.

Did you know, that a minority prays out of love,
Whether in the house, on the roof, in a boat or on the grass,
A prayer that goes directly, to the source of love,
Those prayers are “only” seen, by all the forces of the cosmos…

Poetry of the cosmos, for all prayers from Love.
Spiritual energies

May 23, 2024

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