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2024 BLOG


Wake up, my dear man,
Wake up, because a lot depends on you,
Both the past, and the passing present,
And that future that is rapidly coming.

Wake up, my dear man,
From dreams, that are just an illusion,
From untruths, that scream to truth,
From the ignorance, that follows you from birth.

Wake up, my dear man,
From the world, that others created,
From the darkness, that was shown to you as light,
From a source, that was never the source of truth.

Wake up, my dear man,
Because you have such, a beautiful Holy Mission,
Which reads that you wave your happiness,
The happiness with which you give, others an awakening.

Wake up, my dear man,
From the labyrinth, of illusions that capture you,
From abysses, for which there is always a way out
May your heart receive, messages from God.

For all those, who are on the path of awakening.
Spiritual Energies

May 19, 2024

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