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2024 BLOG


If you managed to read my only blog this year, which happened back in January 2024, then you must have asked yourself, what prevented the author of these blogs from publishing at least one blog a month?
The answer is very simple: “unforeseen circumstances”. Someone will understand it as an excuse or justification, and someone as just a goal to convey a realistic picture of life to the readers.
My workday is anything but boring. My workday is anything but predictable. My working day-to-day life is everything, except that it doesn’t fit into typical templates at all. Why is that so? One of the first, most important, and all the other reasons in order is the orientation towards the right spiritual path, towards sources of truth, towards information from the cosmos, towards Sacred Knowledge.
Any person on the right spiritual path, who at the same time receives help from the cosmos in the form of visions, creations, information, messages, instructions based on prayer, will perhaps best understand these comparisons of “room for books, knowledge, information”.
And now just imagine that you have access to such an infinite room with endlessly lined bookshelves, with information that you have never seen, heard or read.
Welcome to the paths of Sacred Knowledge, where “boredom” as a phenomenon does not exist, where “omniscience” as a concept does not exist and where access is only available to those who have subordinated their lives to constant development.
It is this fact and the possibility that you can take on pieces of unlimited knowledge that has led me to a situation where I still lack at least 48 hours a day. According to that logic, a day should last about 72 hours, which is currently unimaginable and impossible for everyone on the planet. But who knows what awaits us on this path with Sacred Knowledge.
And then we come to the main topic called “Every beginning has two intersections”, which can be shortened to two simple thoughts, to give up or continue at some beginning of a project.
If someone told me what kind of situations and problems we will encounter during the realization of this site, I would tell them without hesitation: “Don’t fantasize, that can’t be possible”!
But, nevertheless, I experienced and lived through the first very beginning of the idea of creating site for the spread of Sacred Knowledge on a global level, until it came to an end that represented the biggest temptation for me, to finish it at all.
I understand that there are obstacles at every beginning, middle and end. I understand that every obstacle can be addressed and resolved when the time is right. But I did not understand why these obstacles were created on the basis of something that had already been solved in the world a long time ago.
It’s the same as if you give someone a task, to invent hot water nowadays, and they tell you: “Aww… this is a very complex task, it will take us who knows how long.”… We ran into similar situations after the website was finished, but we could not launch it in “public” mode.
Fortunately for me, several people from my environment, who participate in the development of this project, witnessed these “inexplicable phenomena and obstacles”. If they weren’t there, I would immediately think “what part of my life have I slept through” or “what is this that I don’t understand and it has to do with hot water that hasn’t been invented yet?!?”
Imagine that the website was ready already in January-February, and that we managed to “revive it to public mode” only in May 2024. Someone would say that they don’t know their job, someone would think that they don’t have motivation, desire, energy, and someone would invent another 1001 versions of reasons why the website that was completed in January-February was put into operation only in May 2024. …
The shortest possible answer to this question is: “Any project on the planet that involves the sources of human ignorance will face unpredictable deadlines and an unknown number of details that will need to be corrected. Mitigating these side effects is only possible with the application of Sacred Knowledge, which will mitigate and correct all the mentioned mistakes to the extent that the creators of the projects themselves preserve their health and nervous system. All this should not even be surprising, when you take into account the current state of the entire planet, on which projects have been created for the (un)intentional destruction of both the planet itself and the entire living world on it.”
I hope that we have not complicated the explanation related to the launch of this website, because the stated reasons for the delay of this project are enough for several books. Suffice it to say that we realized that the fact that someone claims to be a “bookkeeper” does not necessarily mean they know every detail of their job, that the fact that someone works as an operator for, say, the global company PayPal does not necessarily mean that they are educated, so they unwittingly refer potential clients for perjury.
It is unfortunate when some “no name” client has to explain to the operators of a global company that it is a criminal offense to fill out the form they offer to a certain category of clients, noting that we have consulted with tax experts and that this is not our perception or desire?
Only in the world of human ignorance , one should always be ready to read between the lines, especially all the “small print”, because it is built on the “illusion of matter and interest”. Our luck, so with us there is always a crossroads with two precisely defined directions: “Do you want to follow the paths of human ignorance, illusions and interests or the paths of truth, freedom, harmony and Sacred Knowledge?”…
You must have already received the answer, because if it wasn’t that answer, we wouldn’t be able to write this blog for you today, imagine the second one in a row since the beginning of this year…
This time we brought you the beginnings of our development, with xx unpredictable situations, arising from human ignorance. And finally, we give you a definition for “Human Knowledge”
“Human knowledge exists solely as a result of correcting human ignorance with the help of Sacred Knowledge. Long ago said, long confirmed and long proven…” Spiritual energies
Until the next “blogger” reflection, a big hug.

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